The whole world of ATM – ATMs and variable value / rate stamps, Automatenmarken, vignettes d'affranchissement LISA, timbres de distributeur, francobolli automatici
letters from Portugal

The whole world of ATM

For more than 40 years I have been travelling the world to collect ATM stamps. During my journeys, I have visited countries that don’t exist anymore, I have witnessed the switch of currencies and rise of new markets.


Here you can order the most recent stamps from around the world. Previous order forms and offers are available upon request.

Deutschland ATM 10 ATM

10/2024 (DE)

Austria, France ATM

09/2024 (DE)

Austria, Ireland, Jersey, Guernsey ATM

08/2024 (DE)

Singapore, Macau ATM

07/2024 (DE)

Germany ATM 2018

06/2024 (DE)

France ATM catalogue 2024

05/2024 (DE)

Austria, Jersey, Guernsey

04/2024 (DE)

Aland, Spain, Luxemburg

03/2024 (DE)

Great Britain, Israel

02/2024 (DE)

Macau, Taiwan, Ireland

01/2024 (DE)

Faroe Islands, Singapore

26/2023 (DE)


25/2023 (DE)

Greenland, France, Isle of Man

24/2023 (DE)

Austria, Portugal

23/2023 (DE)

Spain, Costa Rica, France, Singapore

22/2023 (DE)


21/2023 (DE)

Austria, France, Luxemburg, Netherlands, Faroe Islands, Croatia, Germany

20R/2023 (DE)